Shock Baton

Shock Baton

Technical Specification

  • Non-lethal and safe
  • Two metallic strips provided along length of baton
  • No projectiles
  • Does not leave any permanent damage/mark

Parameters Result
Output (Min. Peak value of voltage) 1.88 Kv
Maximum duration of Impulse 0.79 Mili-Sec(ms)
Maximum Quantity of Electricity per Impulse 0.50 Mili-Coulomb (mC)
Maximum Discharged Energy per Impulse 0.87 Joules(J)
Dimension & Weight 566 mm
Upto 35 mm
450 Gracetech
Activation of Shock By self return trigger switch
Low Battery Indicator Test spark weak or slow
Battery Fully rechargeable battery with build in charging facility (Plug-in Ac/DC charger of input 220V AC) Once Fully Charged must last for maximum of 7000 quarter second burst